Food banks in Birmingham, Yardley

Jess Phillips

Birmingham, Yardley constituency is represented by Jess Phillips MP of the Labour party.

You can write to your MP to politely help them understand that food banks shouldn't exist in our country.

The following food banks operate in the Birmingham, Yardley constituency. Here is what they are requesting to have donated.

Sparkhill UHT / Powdered Milk
Squash/diluting Juice
Tinned Fruit
Tinned Vegetables (Peas, Carrots, Etc.)
Pulses (Kidney Beans, Chick Peas, Etc.)
Meat Soup (Chicken, Oxtail, Etc.)
Tinned Fish
Tinned Tomatoes/pasta Sauce
Sponge Puddings
Instant Mash
Part of Sparkhill
UHT / Powdered Milk
Squash/diluting Juice
Tinned Fruit
Tinned Vegetables (Peas, Carrots, Etc.)
Pulses (Kidney Beans, Chick Peas, Etc.)
Meat Soup (Chicken, Oxtail, Etc.)
Tinned Fish
Tinned Tomatoes/pasta Sauce
Sponge Puddings
Instant Mash