St Ives (Cambridgeshire) Food Bank is currently requesting the following items to be donated:
Breakfast Variety Packs
Corned Beef
Fruit Juice (Orange / Apple)
Kitchen Roll
Packet Puddings (Jellies, Angel Delights Etc.)
Sauces For Rice (Curry Sauce, Sweet And Sour Etc.)
Tinned Meat (Spam, Ham Etc.)
Toilet Rolls
They don't need anymore All Pet Food, Baked Beans, Breakfast Cereal (Except Variety Packs), Deodorants, Fruit Squash, Instant Mash / Packet Potatoes, Porridge Pots, Sanitary Items, Shower Gels / Shampoos.
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St Ives (Cambridgeshire) Food Bank operates under a charity registered in England & Wales 1188642.