Newmarket Open Door Food Bank is currently requesting the following items to be donated:
Tinned Soups, Meat, Fish, Beans, Fruit And Vegetables
Packet Soups, Flour, Sugar And Dried Vegetables
Jars Of Gherkins, Beetroots, Olives
Fresh Fruit, Salads And Vegetables
Breakfast Cereals
Biscuits, Cereal Bars, Chocolate, Sweets And Cakes
Cooking Sauces, Tomato Sauces, Chutney, Mayonnaise, Salad Cream
Water, Lemonade, Squash, Cola, Juices, Milk And Other Soft Drinks
Cat And Dog Foods, Tins, Pouches, Dried Foods And Litter
Soap Powder, Bleaches, Washing Up Liquid, Toilet Cleaners, Dishwasher Tablets And Other Cleaning Products
Shampoos, Conditioners, Toothpastes, Soaps, Shaving Gels And Other Personal Hygiene Products Including Baby Items
Seasonal Items Such As Easter Eggs And Christmas Puddings
Fresh Bread, Cakes, Doughnuts, Fruit And Vegetables
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