Hound Basics Food Bank

Hound Basics Food Bank is currently requesting the following items to be donated:

Angel Delight
Cereal Bars
Olive Oil / Cooking Oil
Packet Sauces
Steamed Puddings
Stock Cubes
Swiss Roll (Molly’s)
Tinned Beans & Pulses
Tinned Meat Meals - Chicken E.g. Chicken Curry, Meatballs
Tinned Tuna
Cat Food - Tinned
Household Cleaning Products
Sanitary Towels
Empty Egg Boxes (½ Dozen)
Strong Plastic Carrier Bags
Chocolate Snack Bars
Coffee (Small)
Cook In Sauces - Non Tomato
Cuppa Soup
Evaporated Milk
Fish / Meat Paste
Gluten Free Items
Gravy Granules
Instant Custard
Kids Healthy Snacks E.g. Raisins
Lasagne Sheets
Packet Jelly / Jelly Pots
Tea Bags
Tinned Cold Meat
Tinned Meat Meals E.g. Chilli Con Carne, Beans&sausages, Beef Ravioli
Tinned Spaghetti
Tinned Sweetcorn
Tinned Tomatoes
Tinned Tomato Soup
Tinned Vegetarian Meal Options E.g. Macaroni Cheese
White Lasagne Sauce
Kitchen Roll
Men's Deodorant
Razors & Shaving Gel
Washing Up Liquid
Women’s Deodorant
Jars With Lids

They don't need anymore Baked Beans, Cereal, Cook In Sauces - Tomato, Dry Rice / Quick Rice, Dry Spaghetti / Dry Pasta, Hot Chocolate / Ovaltine, Hot Dogs, Tins Or Jars, Jam / Marmalade, Packet Mash Potato, Porridge / Porridge Pots, Pot Noodles / Quick Noodles, Savoury Crackers, Squash / Soft Drinks, Tinned / Carton Custard, Tinned Other Fish, Tinned Fruit, Tinned Potatoes, Tinned Rice Pudding, Tinned Soup - Non Tomato, Tinned Vegetables, Tomato Sauce / Brown Sauce, Dry Dog Food / Wet Dog Food, Anti-bac Wipes, Baby Wipes / Wash / Food, Shampoo (Unisex & Kids), Shower Gel (Unisex), Soap Bars / Liquid Hand Soap, Tampax, Toilet Rolls, Toothbrushes / Toothpaste, Washing Powder (Non Bio).

Food, money or your time

Get Updates Get an email when new items are needed

30 Queens View
Netley Abbey
SO31 5EA

Hound Basics Food Bank operates under a charity registered in England & Wales 1040856 in the IFAN network.