Eastleigh Basics Bank Food Bank is currently requesting the following items to be donated:
Tinned Fish - Tuna, Sardines, Mackerel Etc
Tinned Meat Meals - Curry, Hot Dogs, Chilli Con Carne, Ravioli, Mince, Stew, Fray Bentos Pies Etc
Corned Beef
Tinned Ham
Tinned Potatoes
Tinned Vegetables
Dried Spaghetti
Tinned Spaghetti
Kidney Beans
Instant Noodles & Pasta
Cook In Sauces
Long Grain Rice - Not The Microwaveable Type Please
Tinned Fruit - Peaches, Fruit Cocktail, Pineapples Etc
Desserts - Rice Pudding, Custard, Jelly, Angel Delight, Sponge Puddings Etc.
Jam, Marmalade, Peanut Butter, Honey Etc
Milk (Long-life)
Porridge - Traditional And Instant
Hot Chocolate
Soft Drinks - Squash, Long Life Juice, Fizzy Drinks Etc.
Soap / Handwash
Shower Gel
Deodorant - Men's And Women's
Nappies - Size 5 And Upwards
Disposable Razors
Washing Up Liquid
Toilet Rolls
Laundry Tablets
Dog Food - Tinned And Dried
Get an email when Eastleigh Basics Bank Food Bank needs items. This is around every couple of months.
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Eastleigh Basics Bank Food Bank is a charity registered in England & Wales 1158825.