The Yard, Putney - Wandsworth Food Bank

Wandsworth Food Bank is currently requesting the following items to be donated:

Tinned Sweetcorn
Tinned Peas
Tinned Carrots
Tinned Lentils
Tin Openers
Cuppa Soup
Cooking Oil (500Ml)
Crisps (Multi-Pack)
Hot Chocolate
UHT Non-Dairy Milk (E.G. Soya, Almond)
Loo Roll (4-Packs)
Sanitary Towels (Regular)
Nappies Sizes 4
Hot Water Bottles With Cover (New)

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The Yard, Putney
The Yard
401-403 Tildesley Road
SW15 3BD

Clàradh carthannais 1149780
Pàirt de Trussell