Food banks in South West Hertfordshire

Gagan Mohindra

South West Hertfordshire constituency is represented by Gagan Mohindra MP of the Conservative party.

You can write to your MP to politely help them understand that food banks shouldn't exist in our country.

The following food banks operate in the South West Hertfordshire constituency. Here is what they are requesting to have donated.

Rickmansworth Pasta Sauce
Tinned Tomatoes
Tinned Fruit
Washing Up Liquid
Tinned Meat - Eg Casseroles / Mince
Tinned Vegetables
Tinned Rice Pudding / Custard
Juice / Squash
Long Life Milk
Laundry Powder / Liquid
Mill End Foodbank Pasta Sauce
Tinned Tomatoes
Tinned Fruit
Washing Up Liquid
Tinned Meat - Eg Casseroles / Mince
Tinned Vegetables
Tinned Rice Pudding / Custard
Juice / Squash
Long Life Milk
Laundry Powder / Liquid
South Oxhey Baptist Church
Part of Watford
Long-life Milk
Long-life Fruit Juice
Tinned Meat + Fish
Jars Of Jam/ Honey/ Peanut Butter/ Chocolate Spread
Tinned Fruit
Instant Mashed Potato
Tinned Tomatoes
Bags Of Sugar (Especially 500g Bags)
Tinned Rice Pudding/custard
Packets Of Jelly Or Sponge Puddings
Tinned Vegetables
Jars Of Pasta Sauce
Little Chocolate Bars And Sweet Treats
St Peter & St Paul Church
Part of DENS
Tinned Fruit
Long Life 200ml Juices
Long Life Milk
Long Life Juice/squash
Tinned Potatoes
Tinned Fish
Small Jars Of Coffee
Tinned Ham/corned Beef
Tinned Vegetables
Tinned Chickpeas
Tinned Sweetcorn
Cereal Bars
Laundry Liquid/tabs/powder (Small Packs Only)
Nappies (Sizes 6-8)
Washing Up Liquid (Small)
Toilet Rolls
Carrier Bags
Way Inn Christian Centre
Part of DENS
Tinned Fruit
Long Life 200ml Juices
Long Life Milk
Long Life Juice/squash
Tinned Potatoes
Tinned Fish
Small Jars Of Coffee
Tinned Ham/corned Beef
Tinned Vegetables
Tinned Chickpeas
Tinned Sweetcorn
Cereal Bars
Laundry Liquid/tabs/powder (Small Packs Only)
Nappies (Sizes 6-8)
Washing Up Liquid (Small)
Toilet Rolls
Carrier Bags
CAB Offices Pasta Sauce
Tinned Tomatoes
Tinned Fruit
Washing Up Liquid
Tinned Meat - Eg Casseroles / Mince
Tinned Vegetables
Tinned Rice Pudding / Custard
Juice / Squash
Long Life Milk
Laundry Powder / Liquid
Croxley Green Baptist Church Pasta Sauce
Tinned Tomatoes
Tinned Fruit
Washing Up Liquid
Tinned Meat - Eg Casseroles / Mince
Tinned Vegetables
Tinned Rice Pudding / Custard
Juice / Squash
Long Life Milk
Laundry Powder / Liquid