Food banks in South West Devon

Gary Streeter

South West Devon constituency is represented by Gary Streeter MP of the Conservative party.

You can write to your MP to politely help them understand that food banks shouldn't exist in our country.

The following food banks operate in the South West Devon constituency. Here is what they are requesting to have donated.

Plympton Toilet Rolls
Packet Soup/cup-a-soup
Chocolate Bars Or Treats/ Jams And Spreads
Rice 500g Or 1 Kg Pkt. Basmati/long Grain And Pkts Of Dried Noodles
Tinned Fish
Meat Cold/meat Meals/ Hot Dogs/ Chill/curry/beans'n Sausages
Long Life Fruit Juice/ UHT Milk (All Types)
Biscuits, Sweet And Savoury Snacks And Crackers
Tinned Tomatoes/fruit/custard
Deodorant, Male And Female/razors/shaving Foam
Ivybridge Carrier Bags - Plastic Bag For Life Type (Must Be Clean)
Long Life Fruit Juice (Carton)
Cooking Oil
Tinned Custard
Pasta Packets (Microwaveable)
Salad Cream
Instant Mash
Sugar (500g)
Tinned Rice Pudding
Tinned Fruit
Tinned Soup
Tinned Tomatoes
Powdered Milk
Sponge Puddings (Twin Pack)
Ivybridge We currently don't know what is needed at this food bank. Please contact them to find out.