Food banks in Chichester

Jess Brown-Fuller

Chichester constituency is represented by Jess Brown-Fuller MP of the Liberal Democrat party.


The following food banks operate in the Chichester constituency. Here is what they are requesting to have donated.

Chichester District Laundry Powder Or Liquids
Conditioner And Shampoo
UHT Long Life Milk Including Dairy Alternatives
UHT Fruit Juice
Hot Chocolate
Tinned Or Packet Soup
Washing Up Liquid
Tinned Fruit, Rice Pudding Or Custard
Treats (Kit Kat, Muesli Bars Etc)
Tinned Meats Eg Stews, Hot Dogs, Ham Etc
Tinned Tomatoes And Passata
Flour, Oil And Dried Pulses
Shaving Gel And Razors
Sandwich Paste
Selsey Laundry Powder Or Liquids
Conditioner And Shampoo
UHT Long Life Milk Including Dairy Alternatives
UHT Fruit Juice
Hot Chocolate
Tinned Or Packet Soup
Washing Up Liquid
Tinned Fruit, Rice Pudding Or Custard
Treats (Kit Kat, Muesli Bars Etc)
Tinned Meats Eg Stews, Hot Dogs, Ham Etc
Tinned Tomatoes And Passata
Flour, Oil And Dried Pulses
Shaving Gel And Razors
Sandwich Paste