London Colney - St Albans and District Food Bank

St Albans and District Food Bank is currently requesting the following items to be donated:

Long Life Milk
Long Life Juices
Tinned Rice Pudding
Tinned Custard
Tinned Fruit
Tinned Soups
Baked Beans
Jam And Spreads
Tinned Vegetables (Sweetcorn, Potatoes, Peas Etc)
Desserts (Jellies, Steamed Puddings, Angel Delight Etc)
Tinned Tomatoes
Quick Cook/noodles
Small Tea Boxes

St Albans and District Food Bank currently doesn't need anymore of these items: Instant Coffee, Baby Formula.

Food, money or your time

Get Updates Get an email when new items are needed

London Colney Parish Council
Caledon Community Centre
Caledon Road
London Colney

St Albans and District Food Bank is a charity registered in England & Wales 1158917 in the Trussell Trust network.