Harrow Food Bank is currently requesting the following items to be donated:
Long Life Milk Semi Skimmed & Whole Milk
Long Life Fruit Juice
Tinned Ravioli / Bolognese
Tinned Spaghetti And Sausages
Chopped Pork & Ham
Sponge Pudding (Microwavable)
Tinned Fruit
Tinned Mixed Vegetables
Tinned Tomatoes
Cooking Oil
Tinned Beef / Meat Meals
Tinned Chicken Meals
Tinned Meat / Corned Beef
Tinned Vegetarian & Vegan Meals
Tinned Meat Soup
Packet Meat Soup
Tinned Fish (Tuna & Other Types Of Fish)
Tinned Meatballs
Tinned / Jarred Hot Dogs
Tinned Carrots
Tinned Peas
Tinned Potatoes
Packet Mashed Potato
Irish Stew / Tinned Lamb Meals
Tinned Macaroni Cheese
Tinned Custard
Coffee (Small Jars)
Carrier Bags (Bags For Life)
Baby Toiletries
Baby Nappies (Size 4,5,6 & 7)
Shower Gel / Body Wash
Shaving Foam / Shaving Gel
Men's & Women's Razors
Adult Toothbrushes
Adult Toothpaste
Washing Powder
Washing Up Liquid
Men's & Women's Deodorant
Cleaning Products
Pasta Sauce
Jam / Marmalade
Peanut Butter
Chocolate Spread
Harrow Food Bank currently doesn't need anymore of these items: Baked Beans, Vegetable Tinned Soup, Cereal, Toilet Paper.
Get an email when Harrow Food Bank needs items. This is around every couple of weeks.
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Harrow Food Bank is a charity registered in England & Wales 1154292 in the Trussell Trust network.