Midhurst - Chichester District Food Bank

Chichester District Food Bank is currently requesting the following items to be donated:

Tinned Or Packet Soup
Size 5 Nappies
UHT Long Life Milk Including Dairy Alternatives
UHT Fruit Juice
Hot Chocolate And Coffee
Shampoo & Conditioner
Washing Up Liquid
Toothbrushes And Toothpaste
Tinned Fruit, Rice Pudding Or Custard
Shaving Gel And Razors
Tinned Meats, Stews, Hot Dogs, Ham Etc
Tinned Tomatoes And Passata
Flour, Lentils And Dried Pulses
Sandwich Paste

They don't need any more Baked Beans, Pasta.

Food, money or your time

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St Anne's Hill
GU29 9NN


St John's Hall
St John's Street
PO19 1UR

Charity Registration 1155197
Part of Trussell