Food banks in North Wiltshire

James Gray

North Wiltshire constituency is represented by James Gray MP of the Conservative party.

You can write to your MP to politely help them understand that food banks shouldn't exist in our country.

The following food banks operate in the North Wiltshire constituency. Here is what they are requesting to have donated.

Malmesbury & District Sauces (Tomato, Brown, Mayonnaise)
Tea Bags (80s)
Cleaning Products
Toilet Rolls
Calne Breakfast Cereals/other Breakfast Items
500g Bags Of Sugar
UHT Milk
Fruit Juice Cartons
Tins Of Fruit
Tins Of Vegetables
Tins Of Potatoes
Tins Of Meat
Tins Of Soup
Tins Of Custard
Tins Of Puddings
Jars Of Sauces
St Bartholomew's Church
Part of Swindon
Baked Beans
1 Ltr Bottles Of Squash
Long Life Milk
Long Life Juice
Small Jars Of Coffee
500gms And 1 Kgs Sugar
Tinned Fruit
Tinned Plum Tomates
Tinned Puddings (Rice Pudding, Custard, Semolina), Angel Delight, Jellies.
St Michaels Church
Part of Swindon
Baked Beans
1 Ltr Bottles Of Squash
Long Life Milk
Long Life Juice
Small Jars Of Coffee
500gms And 1 Kgs Sugar
Tinned Fruit
Tinned Plum Tomates
Tinned Puddings (Rice Pudding, Custard, Semolina), Angel Delight, Jellies.
Cricklade Sauces (Tomato, Brown, Mayonnaise)
Tea Bags (80s)
Cleaning Products
Toilet Rolls