St Gabriel's Church - South Liverpool Food Bank

South Liverpool Food Bank is currently requesting the following items to be donated:

UHT Milk
Long Life Fruit Juice
Tinned Tomatoes
Tinned Meat E.g. Corned Beef / Ham / Minced Beef
Tinned Vegetables (Carrots, Green Beans)
Tinned Fruit
Tinned Rice Pudding / Custard
Tinned Fish
Rice (Basmati / Long Grain)
Tea Bags
Instant Coffee
Shower Gel / Soap
Sanitary Pads

South Liverpool Food Bank currently doesn't need anymore of these items: Pasta, Tinned Baked Beans, Soup, Newborn Nappies (Sizes 1 And 2), Incontinence Pads.

Food, money or your time

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St Gabriel's Church
Yates St
L8 6RD

South Liverpool Food Bank operates under a charity registered in England & Wales 1156466 in the Trussell Trust network.